The restrictions are eased – return to normal in five steps

The restrictions in society will be eased on Tuesday. Then they are stepped down in another four steps before everything will be as usual again. “We are now beginning to glimpse the beginning of the end,” says Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

The government has developed a plan that consists of a total of five steps. After the first reliefs on June 1, now on Tuesday, further reliefs will take place on July 1, in mid-July and in September.

– I want to emphasize that the removal of the restrictions takes place responsibly and with readiness to handle a situation where the spread of infection may increase, says Stefan Löfven.

The last fifth step – where everything should be as usual again – has not been given a nailed-down date.

Leaning to relief

On Tuesday, the reliefs previously announced will take place, with a slightly higher participation ceiling for public gatherings and public events. Taverns will be allowed to stay open for another two hours, until 10.30pm, although visitors will have to sit in the company of four and keep their distance for a while longer. Tivolin and markets will be able to be kept open with the same regulations as the rest of society.

Read more: Systematic detection of coronavirus in sewage is investigated

A major step will be taken in a month, on 1 July. Then up to 50 people will be allowed to meet at, for example, a private party. In restaurants, more people will be allowed to sit at the same table outdoors, without distance rules. Participation ceilings for major events and gatherings are raised even more: As many as 300 people can attend indoor events and up to 3,000 can be present at outdoor events.

People will no longer be asked to just meet their immediate circle, although it will be recommended to be seen outdoors.

Late summer without mouth protection

Step three is expected to be introduced on 15 July, when the council on mouth protection in public transport will be removed.

In step four, which according to the plan is to be taken in September, all audience restrictions will be removed completely. In step five, everything should be as usual.

When it comes to travel to and from Sweden, the government asks to return.

Demonstrations with more than eight people are still not allowed, but from 1 June it will be increased to 100 people, and to 600 people on 1 July.

Read more: Corona infection recedes in Stockholm: “Of course good news”

The Government’s plan has been prepared within the Government Offices to the last and is based on the Public Health Agency’s (FHM) plan which was presented a few weeks ago.

To determine whether it is possible to proceed to the next step, an overall assessment will be made together with FHM. The Government and FHM are responsible for various parts of the regulations.

Reservation for worse location

The reduction in the spread of infection is 30 to 40 percent in some parts of the country, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency’s Director General Johan Carlson. Nearly 45 percent of all adults have received at least one dose of vaccine, and overall he describes the development as positive – even though he sees exceptions, such as Norrbotten.

Carlson emphasizes that the situation may worsen:

– Then we can not implement the adjustments that everyone is looking forward to.

When it comes to midsummer celebrations, one should stick to “the narrower circle with smaller events”, according to Johan Carlson.

He sees no risks in implementing the opening in more steps and compares with countries in Europe that opened strongly at once.

– The experience is that the pressure on businesses and compliance became very low, to open in this way means that you maintain acceptance.

Löfven: Thank you very much

Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren (S) is asked what is required for the government to wait to take one of the planned steps and postpone the plan.

– We think we take it very carefully, as the “right country” we are, she answers, with the reservation that something unpredictable happens.

July 1 is nailed down, but then the government is a little more preliminary regarding the following steps, Hallengren emphasizes, but adds:

– We would not stand here and give dates if we did not feel safe to do so.

Stefan Löfven notes that he has appeared at more than 70 press conferences of this kind in the last little over a year and so far has announced various restrictions on people’s lives.

– I would like to express my warm thanks for all the sacrifices you have made. I am proud that we faced this crisis together as a country, says the Prime Minister.

Facts: Here is the five-step plan

Step one: June 1

50 people are allowed in public indoors and up to 500 at outdoor events (with designated seating). Amusement rides and markets are excluded from the participation ceilings that apply to public gatherings. Serving places may be open until 22.30.

Adult athletes can compete outdoors. The Public Health Agency (FHM) no longer advises against smaller camps and sports cups for children.

FHM also removes the recommendation to conduct all adult education at a distance. This applies to universities, colleges, municipal adult education, polytechnics and folk high schools.

Step two: on July 1st

500 people are allowed in public indoors and up to 3,000 at outdoor events. Private events with up to 50 participants may be held.

The call to meet only those closest to you is withdrawn.

Restaurants and taverns may stay open a little longer and their guests no longer have to limit themselves in the number of guests at each table or follow distance rules when sitting at outdoor cafes.

In exercise races and competitions such as orienteering, sailing and cycling, there can be 900 participants. FHM’s advice to individual athletes and exercisers is withdrawn completely.

Association life should no longer be discouraged from holding meetings.

Step three: July 15th

Restrictions on long-distance public transport are being withdrawn, as is the recommendation to use mouth guards in public transport.

Rules for how many people are allowed to stay on surfaces of different sizes indoors or outdoors are withdrawn.

Step four: sometime in September

All restrictions on the number of people who may attend public gatherings and public events, or meet in private, are removed. The rules on how many people can sit at the same table at restaurants are eased.

Step five: no date set

All restrictions that then remain must be lifted. It is then likely to be about congestion rules in public places. Authorities will no longer have to let their employees work from home.

The Public Health Agency’s special corona advice on avoiding congestion, washing hands and working from home is taken back.

The government emphasizes that the dates are preliminary.


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