No fault of PTS for denying Huawei
The Administrative Court in Stockholm rejects the Chinese telecom giant Huawei’s demand that the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency’s (PTS) ban on the company in 5g networks must be stopped.
The announcement from the administrative court is the latest in a long series of rulings that have characterized the auction of 5g frequencies in Sweden.
Tuesday’s ruling concerns Huawei’s protest against PTS banning operators from using technology from the telecom giant to obtain a permit to build 5G infrastructure in Sweden.
In the protest, which has now been rejected, Huawei believes that the announcement of a ban on equipment from the company was given and took effect immediately as early as November 2020.
Huawei is protesting both against the ban itself and that it was taken too quickly. The company also believes that it should have received more warning before the ban.
The Administrative Court now follows the PTS line and writes that the authority’s decision, on good grounds, “Sweden’s security”, came into force immediately when it was announced in November 2020 and will not be stopped.
Huawei is a party – but PTS’s ban remains
The reason behind PTS ‘first decision was that the Armed Forces and the Security Police flagged that Huawei equipment could be a potential danger to national security. Something that Huawei protested against.
Huawei has repeatedly protested against PTS’s decision to ban technology from the company in Swedish 5g networks in Swedish courts, mainly because PTS initially did not consider Huawei to be a party to the 5g auction.
The courts first followed Huawei’s line and agreed that the company should be seen as a party and that was why the administrative court raised Huawei’s demand that PTS’s decision should be inhibited.