Highly current training lifts industrial companies
In order for Swedish companies to be able to keep up with the fourth industrial revolution, skills development is required that corresponds to the rapid digitalisation. Here, web-based training can provide an important knowledge boost.
Ingenjör 4.0 is a unique initiative where 13 Swedish colleges and universities collaborate to produce short course modules with content linked to highly topical themes such as IoT, digital twins and 5G. The idea is that engineers employed in industry should be able to take part in competence development at university level in parallel with the regular work.
– Life long learning has never been more relevant. We at the Swedish Production Academy and Production 2030 wanted to develop educations that respond to the rapid digitalisation and that work to carry out during a pandemic. Access to relevant skills development enables a faster recovery from the corona crisis for companies, says Bengt-Göran Rosén, professor of mechanical engineering at Halmstad University and education coordinator at the Production Academy.
Digital platform enables distance education
The catalyst for Engineer 4.0 was the impact of the corona pandemic on industry and the shift to communication using digital aids. During an intensive spring, eight traditional training modules were adapted in record time to Engineer 4.0’s e-learning format. All teaching is based on a digital platform online.
For eight weeks in June to September, the pilot training round was completed and quickly became fully subscribed. Seven companies and 55 pilots at these workplaces participated.
– It has been very appreciated to be able to meet classmates and teachers through webinars to discuss results and tasks. This is a bit of an experiment from both sides because we have not worked with e-learning before. Together with the companies, we are now working out the best methodology, says Bengt-Göran Rosén.
Creative lab solutions
One challenge is to also provide practical learning. All course modules therefore contain tasks that are carried out on site in one’s own business. Going forward, companies will be able to borrow a newly developed mobile lab with equipment connected to the course modules.
– We will also offer the participants to participate in laboratory work through a video conferencing robot, ie an Ipad mounted on wheels. With this solution, a participant in Sandviken can easily participate in a lab at Luleå University of Technology. You can not feel the scents or vibrations, but you can definitely be involved and contribute, says Bengt-Göran Rosén.
The plan is for the initial eight course modules to be supplemented with as many more, and the next round is already being planned. In total, Engineer 4.0 can contain up to 64 modules in 16 different educational areas linked to Industry 4.0. So here is a lot of expertise to bring home.
Facts about Engineer 4.0
Engineer 4.0 is a web-based continuing education at university level for industrial engineers that is funded by the innovation program Production 2030. Behind the project are 13 universities in Sweden, all of which are members of the Swedish Production Academy. Do you want to participate in the project and take part in important skills development? Enter into www.ingenjor40.se and read more.
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