Clear ahead for the Rajamäenkylä wind farm

New technique

Ny Teknik monitors and writes about new technology in areas such as the automotive industry, innovation, digitalisation, construction, the environment, IT and telecoms. Ny Teknik also writes about new entrepreneurs, life science, industrial development and automation and how technology changes society.

The newspaper Ny Teknik is aimed at engineers, IT specialists, technology consultants, researchers, decision makers and people interested in technology in general. Ny Teknik’s goal is to keep these people updated with the latest and most important news, reports and trends in technology development – both for work and for leisure


Boat and mysterious group named in Nord Stream investigation

SOCIETY Web map of the gas line’s route and Rostock marked where a boat involved in the explosions may have left.Björn Hellström A rented boat that left Rostock, Germany, is suspected of being connected to the explosions of the gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2, according to information in several German media. Prosecutors in […]