130 meter long LNG ferry will be electric instead

It will accommodate 2,100 passengers and 226 vehicles and was supposed to be powered by liquefied natural gas. But now it looks like it will be batteries for the whole penny instead – and thus Incat’s electric ferry will be one of the world’s largest. The Australian shipyard Incat Tasmania is currently building a 130 […]

Now Candela’s electric boats get batteries from Polestar

All of Candela’s newly ordered electric boats of the model C-8 receive battery packs from the electric car manufacturer Polestar. Thus, they can also be fast-charged. But what happened to the electricity consumption? When Candela launched the C-8 hovercraft in the summer of 2021, it was with a 44 kWh lithium-ion battery. The range was […]

Saying no to electricity bill emergency: “Not meaningful”

There will be no electricity bill emergency to help households and businesses pay their electricity bills. “We see that it doesn’t make sense to go any further,” says Finance Committee Chairman Edward Riedl (M). The Riksdag’s finance committee decided to say no to the Social Democrats’ proposal to establish an emergency electricity bill at a […]

So the EU’s imports of rare metals can decrease

A group of 15 subjects, or 17, depending on how they are defined. In some contexts, the elements scandium (Sc) and yttrium (Y) are also counted as rare earth metals. They are a group of elements that are of great importance to our modern society, and have become increasingly important for the production of cleaner […]